VR Boxing – Can It Teach You How to Fight?

A woman wearing VR

Virtual reality, sometimes known as VR, is used to give games a more realistic feel and give players the impression that they are physically in action. There are numerous virtual reality headsets available on the market. Virtual reality has the added benefit of allowing people to work out at home, negating the need to visit the gym, especially when it comes to boxing.

VR boxing can teach you how to fight if you utilize it to perfect your punching form, just like you would with shadowboxing. Those who cannot visit the gym and would rather train at home and those interested in learning boxing can benefit from playing virtual reality boxing games. It is effective for beginners.

This isn’t the ideal approach to studying boxing if you’re already at an advanced level, but it’s great for beginners. Virtual reality games may not be the best approach to hone your skills, but they could be useful if you already have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of boxing.

Before we dive in, if you want to protect your head while boxing, here’s the best headgear that you should buy to ensure the long-term health of your brain and head.

Is boxing VR a good way to learn how to fight?

According to experts, facing a lot of opponents is the best way to improve as a fighter, but that’s not the way of life some people aspire to. Most people don’t appreciate defeating their foes in a battle where they get hurt physically. Thus, they use virtual reality. But is VR a good way?

VR boxing can be a solid way to hone your punching and boxing technique. However, it’s not the most realistic way of bettering your sparring game, as you need to constantly spar to do so. Nonetheless, virtual reality is a way of bettering your accuracy, alertness, reflexes, cardio, aerobic shape, and combinations.

Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

Thanks to the knockout league’s varied training games, you get training that can help you in response and other boxing areas. Still, there are other things to focus on, such as developing your cardio and ability to withstand blows.

Does VR boxing build muscle?

You can burn between 8 and 10 kcal per minute when playing virtual reality boxing, making it an equivalent exercise to rowing. You can lose weight and strengthen your body by playing this game.

As a standalone workout, VR boxing won’t build muscle because it won’t tear your muscles. Such tears are mostly caused by resistance training, such as body weight exercises and lifting heavy weights. On the other hand, Virtual Reality boxing won’t provide the same effect, as it doesn’t involve resistance.

Find a VR boxing game that suits your demands among the many available to begin exercising and practicing at home. Utilize all the advantages that virtual reality offers, particularly fitness. It will take time to see results from it. However, with vigorous and consistent training, you’ll see results.

If you want to learn whether boxing builds muscle, follow the link to learn about the complete answer. Likewise, follow the second link to learn whether VR boxing builds muscle.

Is boxing VR a good workout?

VR exercises provide an immersive experience that can be inspiring, efficient, and enjoyable. Find the best VR workout option for you among the several that are available. 

Boxing VR is a good workout because workouts in virtual reality (VR) provide a different and immersive experience that can be inspiring. They’ll better your endurance, aerobic shape, anaerobic shape, while reducing your stress. These traits are highly desirable in today’s world, which is turning lazier.

The results of this review suggest that boxing exergames can produce intensity-adequate physical activity among younger adults that are beneficial for cardiometabolic improvements, regardless of platforms used. 


Before beginning a VR workout, ensure you have all the necessary equipment, such as headsets, controllers, and more. Be prepared to sweat since virtual reality exercises may be rather intense.

It’s crucial to select a workout that fits your needs; some may be harder than others. Always use caution when utilizing any technology for real-world or virtual reality activities. Accidents can happen suddenly and easily, so be careful.

Benefits of VR boxing

Those who admire boxing consider it the sweet science—a ballet that simultaneously calls for strength and agility, anger and restraint. But for every fan of boxing, someone despises it as a primitive sport that is too harsh and savage for contemporary society, especially considering everything we now know about concussions and brain impairments.

One benefit of boxing in VR is physical safety; It’s the clear benefit of boxing in virtual reality instead of in person. In VR, you can practice punching your opponent without hurting them. You can also get punched without suffering significant injuries, although the goal is still to dodge as many punches as possible.

Boxing match
Photo by Jonathan Tomas on Unsplash

However, VR boxing also has other, less visible benefits. Instead of having to visit a nearby gym and find a fight partner, virtual reality boxing enables you to practice your fighting skills whenever and wherever you like.

Additionally, it mimics several opponents with various degrees of difficulty, allowing you to expand your boxing technique and become a better fighter. Here are other benefits of boxing on VR.

#1. VR boxing can be motivating

VR boxing is a demanding exercise that may be inspiring. Instead of walking outside, it’s a terrific way to be active while using your computer and headphones. You can perform VR workouts anywhere without special equipment or a dedicated venue.

They are a terrific choice for those on a tight budget because they are also reasonably priced. Start with some simple exercises if you’re new to VR boxing before progressing to more difficult ones.

#2. VR boxing is fun

VR exercises are becoming increasingly well-liked as pleasant and efficient exercises. They are ideal for anyone seeking a new challenge because they provide a distinctive experience you can customize to meet your needs.

VR exercises force you to utilize all of your senses to stay interested, which is why they’re a terrific method to lose weight and get more fit at the same time. Finding the best VR workout for you is simple, thanks to the wide variety of options on the market.

Regardless of your athletic ability level, VR exercises have something unique in store for you.

#3. There are numerous VR boxing workouts available

For people of all ages and fitness levels, VR boxing is an excellent workout. It’s one of the most efficient workouts available because it’s an immersive experience that keeps you interested.

VR boxing is a great way to tone your body and improve your cardiovascular fitness simultaneously. You can choose from a wide range of VR workout options, so you’re likely to discover something that meets your requirements and piques your curiosity.

VR boxing might be the answer if you want to lose weight but only have a little time to spare.

Final words

Virtual reality (VR) games are growing in popularity because they are more immersive and exciting to play. In addition, most VR games necessitate full-body motion, making it a workout. Video games that use virtual reality to emulate the sport of boxing may be the greatest way to train and master the sport.

Virtual reality boxing could be a perfect choice if you need a challenging physical activity. Get the proper gear and attire to make the most of your time there.

Make necessary changes to your exercise routine to prevent injury and fatigue. Discover whether virtual reality boxing is the correct choice for you now.

When it comes to virtual reality boxing, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy; use what works for you, and good luck!

If you enjoyed reading this article, you’ll also enjoy reading about the best boxing shoes for your money. If you want to be more stable and slip less in your matches, it’ll be best to pair yourself with proper footwear; do follow the link to see the best ones.


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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