The way I see it, boxing has two purposes; the first is to learn to fight, and the second is self-improvement. Regardless of which is your goal, you can speed up your progress by implementing some tips and tricks to your training routine.
These tips will allow you to open your mind and be more prone to learning. Fully grasping the knowledge you learn in boxing training—is difficult. Thus, you can add these tips into your daily life to ensure you keep an open-mind.
Progressing in anything worthwhile in life—is tough. You must be willing to invest plenty of time and effort into training. Hence, more people than you think—will end up quitting and starting a new activity. As you can imagine, they’re likely to quit it, too.
This article will help you uncover the mindset most people lack. When you understand it, you’ll immediately be able to implement it in any area in your life.
If you want to stay consistent with boxing, you’ll implement this winner mindset into martial arts training. Likewise, if you want to lose weight, for instance, you’ll adopt this mindset in the fitness area.
This article will also give you practical steps you can take, today, to ensure you never quit your martial arts training. Eventually, this is all it takes to see results, keeping up with training.
Before we dive in, if you want to learn about the rules of boxing, be sure to follow the link to an article of mine on the topic. Knowing the rules before you begin your training—is a must.
Here’s how to progress faster in boxing
Progressing faster in boxing—isn’t hard for those willing to dedicate themselves to training. On the other hand, if you’re looking for shortcuts, this is not the article for you. It won’t include any quick tips to allow you to shortcut your way to becoming a solid fighter.
To progress faster in boxing, you need to believe in your ability to gain results. When you do, you’ll notice you’re more eager to the following training session, as you want to see results. If, on the other hand, you don’t believe in yourself, you’re more likely to give up in the middle of the learning process.
It all comes down to your self-esteem. If you don’t appreciate your hard efforts, you also won’t keep up with training. This is simply the way it works.
That said, you can improve your mentality toward yourself by training boxing, which may sound contradictory. But, the more you remain loyal to your training schedule, the more you begin appreciating yourself for the hard work you’re putting it.
This is what self-esteem is about; appreciating yourself in the present moment. However, today’s world doesn’t embrace loving ourselves, to say the least. As a result, we must change that ourselves.
Concluding, if you wish to progress faster in your boxing journey, you must think highly of yourself. Nobody cares how you look or how you act, if you want to better yourself, the world will react positively.
Tips to progress faster in boxing
In the previous section, I’ve mentioned the mindset you need to have to progress faster. Now, let’s discuss some practical tips you can implement after investing some thought into each tip.
Eventually, these are not as hard to adopt as they may sound. We all have a part that wants to reach your complete potential. Let’s not silence it and let it grow, with the rest of our body and soul.
Before diving into the first tip, if you want to know which boxing style is the best one, follow the link to an article of mine where I reveal the answer.
#1 – Have a purpose
The first tip to progress faster in boxing—is having a purpose. Let’s put it simply; if you don’t have a reason for training, you also won’t keep up with it.
Because of that, it’s crucial you write down your goals, even if you think you have one, and remember it. Once you write it down on paper, you’ll notice how you start obsessing over it. That is what your purpose should do; fuel you up when you’re just about to run out.
When there is a why, there is a how.
You most likely have heard this quote plenty of times in your life. But, have you ever stopped and thought deeply about it; I definitely have.
If you want to always have a how and never make excuses why you can’t, you must have a why so strong that you forget anything that may stop you.
If, for example, your purpose is to become the best person possible, you know that attending boxing classes—will get you closer to your goal. As a result, your mind will find reasons for you why you must attend the following training session.
Practically, write down your goals. Then, adopt one that’s going to serve as your guiding light when times get rough.
#2 – Have a growth mindset
The second tip—is having a growth mindset. Now, what does that mean, and why does it sound weird? As I’ve previously mentioned, you must always believe in yourself.
This practical step closely relates to the mindset I mentioned earlier in the article. If you want to progress quickly, you must always think about your growth. You don’t want to let your mind stop you from advancing quickly. Instead, adopt it as your friend.
Today, in the era of social media and other distractions, we always want to be busy. However, once we take a step back from all that chaos, we understand that we can live in the present moment, without having our minds wondering into thoughts.
If you adopt a growth mindset, hence: respect your mind and accept its acceptance toward you, you’ll find more ways to progress. You may one day decide that you’re buying a punching bag to your home, so you’ll be able to learn outside training.
That is a step most people won’t think about, as their minds don’t have any mind space left. But, if you can allow your mind to be on your side, by truly believing in yourself, you’ll enjoy the learning process much more than if you have your mind work against you.
I know it may sound rather vague. So let me end this section with a practical step:
Dedicate at least 5 minutes per day to sit quietly and think about your future self. How do you want your future self to be? What do you want one to have? Then, appreciate yourself for doing what most people aren’t willing to do. That will better your mindset.
If you want to learn more ways to progress faster in your boxing journey, follow the link to read 15 tips to help you learn quickly.
#3 – Believe in yourself, and you’re set.
Today, many individuals don’t have what it takes to progress quickly and move up the ranks fast. That’s because they, themselves—don’t think they’re capable or worthy of achieving that.
As a result, they’ll constantly find excuses why they can’t. They’ll even do anything to protect themselves for understanding otherwise. They will argue with you if you try to change their minds.
This is something you want to avoid as much as possible. If you don’t believe in yourself, who would? Why should someone else believe in your ability to progress and learn faster than the average, if you think otherwise?
First, have a purpose, a long-term goal that fuels you up when you’re about to run out. Next, adopt a growth mindset; hence, always think progress. Don’t let your mind think you’re incapable of making fast progress.
Lastly, wrap up the practical steps by believing in yourself. Always think you’re worthy of achieving true success in life. Repeat that for long enough in your mind—and you’re set to achieve true success in life.
Again, take 5 minutes every single day to remind to yourself why you deserve of success. Start appreciating the hard work you’re putting into boxing training. You’re doing what most people never dream of doing, so you’re already ahead of these individuals.
If you currently are or want to box every day, stop right now—and read this article I wrote on whether boxing every day is healthy.
Boxing – how to learn quickly
Today, many people don’t love themselves as much as they should. Consequently, their subconscious mind begins to protect them more than they consciously want. As a result, they miss on various opportunities for success.
Why am I telling you this? Let’s examine why this perspective toward life will hold you back in your boxing journey.
To learn boxing quickly, you must believe that you’re progressing quickly. As a result, you’ll be more eager and prone to train more often, and as a result, learn faster. That said, you will need to invest more effort and time into boxing than what most people will think of doing.
This mindset is what most people never think of having. It just seems impossible to see the world that way.
This closely relates to having a growth mindset and believing in yourself. Although it may sound impractical, I can confidently say that it is applicable to real life.
Here’s a practical step for you:
Sit down every day and remind yourself that you’re worthy of success. Slowly, but surely, you’ll begin believing in that, as you’ll repeat that mantra every single day. However, you may find this habit difficult to stick with, since it takes courage and willpower to remain consistent with it.
How do boxers get in shape so fast?
Improving one’s physical shape—is highly desirable in today’s world. More people are looking for ways to improve themselves, so they can be healthier and feel better about themselves.
Boxers get in shape fast to be at their top of their game for major tournaments and competitions. They do so by incorporating numerous training ways to create a complete routine. For example, they run, lift weights, box, and do anaerobic exercises, such as sprinting.
Their job is to be in the best shape possible. Therefore, they invest all their day in perfecting both the time in training and in the kitchen. Elite boxers know they must be at the top of their game all the time. The time in the kitchen may even be more important than the training itself.
If you consume unhealthy foods constantly, your physical shape won’t improve, even if you train like a maniac. You must be able to delay gratification and consume healthy foods exclusively. Likewise, you have to eat enough to suffice your body need for calories.
- Base your meals on higher fiber starchy carbohydrates.
- Eat lots of fruit and veggies.
- Eat more fish, including a portion of oily fish.
- Cut down on saturated fat and sugar.
- Eat less salt: no more than 6g a day for adults.
- Get active and be a healthy weight.
- Do not get thirsty.
- Do not skip breakfast.
Of course, you also need to train properly to ensure your body is torn enough to grow. In the training itself, you cause micro-tears in your muscles.
Then, when you sleep properly, your body begins to recover itself with the nutrients you consume throughout the day. So, you must consume only foods that will allow your body to recover as good as possible.
Final words
To progress faster in your boxing journey, you must adopt a suitable mindset for that purpose. Believing in yourself—is the first step to success, in every area in life.
You must avoid belittling yourself, even if it’s already a habit. You’ll be much better off if you take a step back from the chaos of life to appreciate all the hard work you’re putting into the training.
But, that’s not all. Training in boxing can cause a loving cycle to kick in. As of right now, your self-esteem may not be as high as you would’ve wanted to. That said, once you begin to box, you’ll notice you experience a sense of fulfillment after each training session.
That sense of fulfillment will lead to you appreciating yourself even more. And the cycle continues to kick-off. As such, your self-esteem will slowly but surely improve. Over time, you won’t remember who you were.
If you enjoyed reading this article, you’ll also enjoy reading more about the best boxing head movements you should learn. Knowing these—will improve your skills drastically.