Muay Boran vs. Muay Thai – Is There Even a Difference?

Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran

In the 13th century, times were times of war in the Sukhothai Kingdom, better known as Thailand. Therefore, the people of the kingdom constructed a new martial art, so that they will be able of defeating their enemies if things escalated to such a scenario. That is how Muay Boran was born.

Muay Boran and Muay Thai are two of the most powerful martial arts on planet Earth. They were extremely influential in the world of martial arts and fighting, as they were able to change how people looked at fighting as a whole.

However, they are very different and are used for different purposes. This article will delve into the world of Thai fighting with the aim to compare and see how they differ. They also have some similarities, which you want to know about.

Alright; I think it is time we dive into the first part of this article, the differences between the two martial arts.

Table of Contents:

  1. Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran – Differences
  2. Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran – Similarities
  3. Where Are They Today?
  4. Final Words

Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran – Differences

This is going to be the first, and the primary, part of this article. We are about to compare Muay Thai and Muay Boran to see what are the differences between them.

First, a disclaimer. Both of them are highly effective fighting styles, which you can learn to study self-defense and become a solid fighter. But again, they do have various distinctions separating them. Without further introduction, let us dive into the first difference: history.

Difference #1 – History

The first distinction is history. One of the key elements of any martial art is its roots. You cannot expect to know why a martial art is the way it is today if you are not familiar with its history and roots. Typically, its primary purpose (what it was made for) is going to be derived from its history. Let us examine the history of these two potent Thai fighting styles.

Muay Boran

Around the 13th century, times were times of war in the Sukhothai Kingdom1, which is known today as Thailand. The citizens there needed to learn to fight, so they constructed a new martial art, which they taught to their fighters. As time passed, it was named Muay Boran, which is an umbrella term for many, more specific, styles.

Let me just pause and explain why what I just said is very important to understand. Times were times of war, so they constructed a new military-focused martial art. For that reason, we can assume a few things that I can confirm are true about Muay Boran.

First, there is going to be weaponry, as it is military-focused. I can confirm that it is true. Second of all, it is more likely to include “immoral” techniques that have the potential of causing more damage, such as using pressure points to inflict more pain.

So there are more things you want to know about it, which we will discuss in the following sections.

Muay Thai

The father of Muay Thai is considered to be Muay Boran, which is, once again, an umbrella term for many styles, exactly like Kung fu. In the 1900s, fighting became a national sport in Thailand. They have embraced their history and inserted many rules and legislation into fighting.

That is how Muay Thai was born. And again, we can derive many things about it just by knowing that it is more of a sport than a military-focused martial art. But I am getting too far ahead of myself here.

Difference #2 – Fighting Techniques

Let us now review the second distinction between Muay Boran and Muay Thai, which is going to be fighting techniques. In simpler terms, what each fighting style teaches. This is a direct by-product of the previous difference, which is history.

The current state of each one is a result of its respective roots. To clarify my point, The initial purpose of each martial art greatly impacts the lessons they impart. Please bear in mind that Muay Boran is primarily designed for military purposes, while Muay Thai is more focused on sports and competition.

Let us dive in.

Techniques/Martial ArtMuay BoranMuay Thai
throwing knees
throwing elbows
The techniques Muay Thai and Muay Boran teach

Muay Boran

Let us now review Muay Boran’s stance, which is definitely one of the more interesting ones I saw. What you will usually see today is fighting stances that are not crouched. The fighters typically stand up straight with a slight turn of their hips (such as in Boxing.)

Muay Boran’s stance is wide and crouched, which increases stability. Your hands cover your center line, which is contrary to Muay Thai’s stance.

It is important to note that Boran does not use Muay Thai gloves. You will either fight barehanded or with ropes wrapped around your hands. From that, we can interpret that you will learn more grappling in Muay Thai, which is true. There is a far more in-depth grappling game, including submissions, chokes, locks, and takedowns, in Muay Boran.

Practically, every throw is allowed in Muay Boran.

Muay Boran is known as the father of the art of eight limbs, and it also utilizes eight contact points, which are:

  • two fists
  • two shins
  • two elbows
  • two knees

Basically, you will master punching, kicking, elbowing, throwing knees, clinching, headbutting, submitting, clinching, and throwing and sweeping your opponent. All in all, extremely effective.

Notice how effective the techniques they are using in the fight below.

Muay Boran Fight
Muay Boran Fight

Muay Thai

The first part of every martial art is the fighting stance it teaches. Muay Thai uses a narrow and tall stance, to keep your balance while allowing you to throw strikes quickly and defend yourself quickly, such as by performing the check. Your hands will be up to the side (guard.)

Muay Thai utilizes Muay Thai gloves, which do not allow the fighters to grab their opponent. As a result, grappling will not be used as often in it, as submitting and grappling the opponent will be quite the task without being able to grip your opponent.

Many throws and takedowns are illegal in Muay Thai, which are legal in Muay Boran. For instance, you cannot throw your opponent with your hip, which is what Judo is all about. But, it will be illegal in the more ancient version of this martial art, Boran.

Muay Thai is known as the art of eight limbs. So, for clarity, you will learn to use your fists, shins, elbows, and knees, which will function as your eight contact points. So, you will master punching, kicking, elbowing, and kneeing, while also learning some sweeps and to clinch.

MMA Fighter vs. Muay Thai World Champion (Real Fight Breakdown)
MMA vs. Muay Thai (Fight Breakdown)

Muay Thai is one of the deadliest martial arts worldwide. Follow this link to read just how deadly Muay Thai is and how to remain safe while doing it.

Difference #3 – Fighting Approach

The next distinction we will review is the fighting approach of each martial art. You can also call that their philosophy, but I prefer using the term fighting approach. Simply put, it is how they view fighting and its goals. For instance, many martial arts, such as Karate, promote being responsible for your actions while using force when you need to. For the most part, it is its philosophy.

Muay Boran

The fighting approach of Muay Boran is all about war and effectiveness2. Remember, it was constructed to be taught for self-defense and for that purpose only. As a result, it will teach extremely effective fighting techniques that you will be able of using to cause a lot of damage quickly.

Muay Thai

The fighting approach of Muay Thai is about effectiveness, damage while keeping everything clean. Remember when I told you that the origin and history of any martial art dictate what it will look like today? That is also true in this case. Because it is sport-focused, it will prioritize keeping the fight clean than hitting extremely effective pressure points and teaching self-defense-orientated techniques.

Difference #4 – Rules

Let us go over some of the basic rules of each martial art now.

Muay Boran

Muay Boran does not have rules for the most part. It practically allows all throws and submissions if they are effective and serve the purpose of fighting and beating the opponent effectively.

Muay Thai

On the other hand, Muay Thai, with its sport-focused approach, includes many rules, which are as follows:

  • The object is to win the bout by either (A) knockout or (B) points
  • The maximum size of a ring will be 24ft by 24ft
  • Ropes will surround the ring
  • The fighters can either wear rope gloves or Muay Thai gloves, depending on the tournament
  • You’re allowed to punch, kick, elbow, and knee
  • You’re allowed to throw and sweep your opponent
  • The objective is to hit the opponent while avoiding getting hit
  • If you knock out your opponent, he has 10 seconds to recover
  • You win the fight if your opponent can’t continue to fight due to knockout
  • Judges decide the winner by who was the superior fighter in the fight (if no knockout)
  • Each round is three minutes in length
  • There are either three or five rounds in a bout
  • You’re allowed to clinch
Muay Thai vs. Taekwondo – Which Is Better? (Knockout)
Muay Thai vs. Taekwondo (Knockout)

Difference #5 – Modern Adaptations

The last difference we will review (it has been a long comparison, but stay tuned for the rest of the article, as we will also discuss their similarities) is modern adaptions. Hence, where each martial art is today.

Muay Boran

Today, Muay Boran is not nearly as popular as it was before. The primary reason for that is that everyone today studies Muay Thai, which is Thailand’s national sport. Frankly, it is where all the fame and popularity are at, so the community that learns traditional Muay Boran is smaller than ever before.

However, it is alive and working, so you can start learning it if you desire.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai, contrary to Muay Boran, is in the best position it was ever since it was constructed. It is Thailand’s national sport and it is practiced worldwide. I am a Muay Thai fighter and I am absolutely amazed by the number of people who are investing their time and effort into learning it time and time again.

If you do not have any fighting experience and you want to learn to fight, I wrote another article on how to learn Muay Thai without any prior experience. So make sure to read it.

Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran – Similarities

Muay Thai and Muay Boran are both traditional martial arts that originated in Thailand and are deeply rooted in the country’s culture and history. While they share many similarities due to their historical connection, Muay Thai is often considered a more modern and competitive sport, whereas Muay Boran is seen as a precursor to Muay Thai and focuses on traditional techniques, self-defense, and cultural preservation.

Indeed, both originate in Thailand, which promotes tourism, especially from martial arts enthusiasts who want to learn Muay Thai or Muay Boran in the homeland of these fighting styles.

You will also find similar fighting techniques in both, such as the Teep (Push Kick), Roundhouse Kick, Switch Kick, Jab, Cross, Overhand Punch, Clinching, and many others.

Final Words

I have the utmost appreciation for these two martial arts, as they have changed how the world views fighting. Muay Thai has been the more popular martial art, due to its competitive appeal and simplicity.

Muay Boran, on the other hand, is considered a precursor for the rise of Muay Thai, so they worked as a team to achieve their goals. I am glad I took the opportunity to write about these two magnificent martial arts, as it has been my pleasure to research and condense the information in this article.

I thank you kindly for reading this article and I would love to hear what you have to say. So comment down below what you think about Muay Thai and Muay Boran. Do you agree with what has been said in this article? I will be sure to read every single comment!

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I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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