What Self-Defense Weapon Should You Buy? Buyer’s Guide

Women doing Karate

In today’s era, everyone should defend themselves. In the past years, it became dangerous to move around in public without a self-defense weapon. As a result, people have realized that they need to arm themselves. Some prefer guns, while one may get a pocket knife. Because of that, the popularity of self-defense weapons is in a constant climb. 

There are many options for a self-defense weapon. As such, it may be rough for you to pick one for your likings. As a result, you may get confused and let the matter away. However, I recommend arming yourself with some self-defense weapons. If you don’t, you might end up defensless in a dangerous situation.

I served in the military for a few years as a special forces operator. I used any gun the military has to offer. From my experience, I will advise you on which self-defense weapon you should get. However, listen closely to my advice. From it, you ought to choose one that will suit yourself and your needs.

What self-defense weapon should I buy?

There are many self-defense weapons currently available to purchase. Therefore, it may be complicated to choose a single one that you like. You need to check out each type and decide which one you prefer the best. 

For a beginner, I encourage you to take the leap of faith and order a self-defense weapon. If you’re into knives, consider ordering a pocket knife. However, if you fancy pistols, consider getting your pistol’s license and getting one for yourself. 

For starters, I’ll note that I own or use any of the weapons I recommend. For these reasons, I am familiar with each self-defense tools’ weaknesses and benefits.

Every weapon has its benefits and weaknesses. As a result, you need to choose one that you can get the most benefits. That way, you’ll be able to defend yourself. Following this section, I’ll point out every self-defense tool I have used and recommend looking into deeply. 


pocket knife
Image by HOerwin56 from Pixabay

You’ll never find me dead without a pocket knife, is a sentence I heard once, and I couldn’t agree more. Whenever I travel, hike, and hunt, I have a pocket knife on me. That way, I can defend myself with ease. 

A knife is compact, accessible, easy to buy, lightweight, and most importantly, lethal. As a result, its popularity has increased in the past few years. You can carry it in many ways, and as its name suggests, it fits inside a pocket. You can disable an attacker with ease with a blade. Lastly, using it is simple and doesn’t require long hours of training. 

At this moment, you can order a self-defense knife in three minutes. Because of that, many people prefer to get a blade rather than a gun. You need to get a license and constantly be at the shooting range. Most importantly, it’s expensive to buy and keep. 

Getting a pocket knife merely is going to a local shop and buying one. Later, you can legally keep it and ensure you’re defending yourself if you need to. 

There are many regulated countries where owning a pocket knife is illegal. I have a post on international knife laws, and I encourage you to read it before purchasing a blade of your own. In addition, I have many posts regarding knives and pocket knives. 

To summarize, a pocket knife can be the ultimate self-defense weapon. It’s lightweight, accessible, cheap, easy to keep, lethal, and can disable a hostile if needed. Because of that, its popularity rose throughout the years. However, it has a single weakness. It’s close range. If you encounter an unfriendly pistol, you’re at a disadvantage. 


ukrainian special forces, operator, member-2536282.jpg
Ukrainian special forces

Lately, many households in the United States have bought a rifle. Why is that? Because many people feel as if hostiles or the government can attack their homes at any minute. Because of that, they preferably have a rifle as a self-defense weapon in their homes compared to other weapons. 

A rifle is deadly. It’s efficient, sometimes compact, but most importantly, it has the highest firepower. Therefore, if an attacker uses any other self-defense weapon against you, you’re at an advantage. Because of that, many people internationally own a rifle in their homes. 

I was a special forces operator. From my experience, I can tell you many advantages a rifle has. I mainly used an AR rifle for four years. As a result, I know why people carry it. Usually, militaries purchase rifles for their operators. They’re not for you to carry in public. For these reasons, if you want a self-defense weapon to walk around in public with, then a rifle is not for you. 

However, if you’re looking for a self-defense tool for your home and family, a rifle can be fantastic for you. You can use it against a hostile that breached your home. Ultimately, a gun is the most reliable weapon to have at home. 

To summarize, such a weapon is tricky to own. It requires paperwork and to get a suitable license. As a result, many people avoid holding rifles. On the contrary, it can serve many purposes and provide benefits. It has the highest firepower out of all self-defense weapons. Eventually, you can’t carry it around in public. If you do so, local authorities may arrest you and get you behind bars.


Man shooting a pistol
Image by satellitov from Pixabay

From my perspective, a pistol is by far the ultimate self-defense weaponIt is compact, lightweight, accessible, easy to use, carryable, and most importantly, deadly. With a pistol, you can defend yourself in most self-defense situations you’ll encounter. In addition, there were many incidents where people shot a single round and disabled a hostile. For these reasons, a pistol is the ultimate self-defense weapon.

As you can see, I am a big fan of pistols. I believe they’re fantastic and anyone can use them. However, they an owner of such a lethal weapon requires responsibility. Because of that, if you don’t think you can handle the responsibility one forces you to have, don’t bother getting one. 

To get your hands on such a weapon, you first need to get a license. In most countries, you need to be suited to own one. As a result, if you have any criminal history or any other reason, you won’t be able to approve your license. Therefore, you’ll never legally own a weapon. 

Although it’s a fantastic self-defense tool, it comes with a list of demands. For instance, the shooting range will become your second home. Once you do that, you constantly need to visit a shooting range once again. 

Because of the demands of owning a pistol, many people have given up on the idea of having one. As a result, many people resort to purchasing a pocket knife. However, the demands are justified. If any person had a pistol, there would be absolute chaos. Therefore, you must understand the consequences of having a weapon. After you do, you’ll find the process of buying one easier, and you’ll get one for yourself. 

I encourage you to take a look at your local laws regarding pistols. Later, you’ll be able to get your license and enjoy having one. You’ll be able to defend yourself in many situations most people wouldn’t consider trying. For all these reasons, I believe such a self-defense tool is the ultimate one. I highly recommend you get one for yourself. 

Pepper spray

pepper spray
Image by knivesdeal from Pixabay

Pepper spray is a non-lethal self-defense weapon. In most regulated countries, you’ll be able to get one from a local store. In addition, it doesn’t have any long-term damage to the victim. Lastly, it’s lightweight, compact, powerful, and usually, women have it on them. 

I would recommend buying pepper spray for individuals who wish to own a non-lethal weapon. If you don’t want to cause massive damage to a hostile, pepper spray may be the right choice for you.

It is capable of disabling an attacker and making him flee. As a result, women who are not interested in buying lethal weapons like a pistol or a knife will get such weapons. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. The pepper spray can fully disable an attacker and get you an advantage. One maybe even so effective that it will force the hostile to give up. For these reasons, I believe that having one may be the right choice for you.

However, you’re getting a self-defense weapon for a reason. It’s most likely the fact that you want to defend yourself if you stumble upon a risky situation. As a result, if you’re looking to disable an enemy for good, you don’t want to use a tool like pepper spray. Instead, you want to look into getting a lethal self-defense weapon, for instance, a pocket knife

To summarize, pepper spray is a fantastic non-lethal self-defense tool. I believe that it’s the greatest out there. However, if you’re looking into getting a more lethal weapon, consider getting a self-defense tool like a pistol. Owning a pepper spray doesn’t require any permits, and usually, women carry it on them at all times. 



Most people who know self-defense are familiar with the ways to disable an attacker with their hands. It doesn’t require any license, and anyone can use their hands. However, being able to disable an attacker with your bare hands takes practice. Therefore, many people master the art of self-defense through many years of sweat and tears. 

Boxing existed way before we think it was. People were always fighting, whether it’s a regulated fight or a street fight. Throughout history, there were a handful of people who mastered techniques that are self-defense-related. These techniques allowed them to disable anyone in mere seconds. Therefore, they were able to defend themselves with a weapon we all possess, your hands. 

You can study these methods of knocking out an individual within a few years. However, many trainers train people who wish to learn these techniques. Now, as someone who did Krav Maga for two years in the military, I can tell you how important it is to know such techniques. 

In Krav Maga, it’s all about aggression. The methods of disabling an individual are relatively simple. The trainers who trained me taught me to be aggressive. If you’re determined and are driving forward, you’ll control the situation. That way, you’ll be able to defend yourself when the time comes to it. 

To summarize, as of this moment, you can defend yourself with your hands. However, you may lose the scenario. It’s risky to use your hands to disable an attacker. In addition, many people study the art of self-defense, and they can tell you how hard it is. It takes months or even years of practice before you master a single art form. Therefore, many people resort to getting lethal weapons, like a pocket knife. To properly defend yourself, you must put yourself in the worst-case scenario, in this case, using your hands and feet to disable an enemy. 


There are many ways one can defend themselves. There are lethal weapons and non-lethal weapons. However, if you’re looking for a way to disable a hostile, using both are viable. Therefore, I encourage you to check your local laws regarding self-defense weapons. Later, you’ll be able to decide on which weapon you’ll get. 

If you’re looking for a deadly close-range weapon, consider getting a pocket knife. It will serve your purposes and will assist you. However, if you’re looking for a long-range weapon to defend your household, getting a rifle may be a wise choice. Finally, before deciding which self-defense tool you should go for, check out all the factors in this post and decide for yourself. 


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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