Will BJJ Get Me in Shape? The Answer Inside

A man lifting weights

People, who want to learn BJJ, frequently ask: “Will BJJ get me in shape?” All martial arts are a great way to live a healthier lifestyle. Perhaps you’re thinking about other options for improving your fitness. Or maybe you’re unsure of the benefits of this new martial art. I want to explain how BJJ helps you get in shape in this article.

BJJ will get you in shape because it is a great all-around workout. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can help you lose 700–1100 calories while strengthening your core, isometric strength, grip, and cardiovascular system. BJJ includes aerobic and anaerobic workouts. Studies and testimonials from BJJ students prove it promotes fat loss and strengthens the heart and lungs.

Depending on the strategy and approach taken, it can work the heart, the muscles’ endurance, isometric strength, the grip, the core, and the entire body. 

BJJ will assist you in getting fitter overall, while also assisting you in losing weight (provided that your diet is in order as well). In addition, it introduces you to a supportive group, and the belt system may be the incentive you need to keep coming.

Before diving in, read more about why BJJ is the most effective martial arts globally – by following the link to an article of mine on the topic.

Will BJJ improve my physical shape?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a total-body workout that increases functional fitness. Upper and lower body movements spill over into your daily life. You will notice changes in your physique over time. These changes will be visible in the mirror.

BJJ will improve your physical shape and get you into peak physical condition. The direct stimulation of the core muscles during BJJ training is one of the main areas of emphasis regarding strength and conditioning. Training in BJJ strengthens your core muscles more than any other martial art, which improves your physical shape.

two men grappling
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

In BJJ, your core provides the majority of your strength. Unlike any other health and fitness program, BJJ training can help you reduce weight and fat while shaping and toning your upper and lower muscles. 

Do I need to be in shape to train in BJJ? 

One of the most frequently asked questions about beginning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, as well as one of the significant psychological barriers keeping individuals from starting, is this one. It’s reasonable to wonder whether you need to be exceptionally fit so that you can keep up with the class on your first day if you haven’t done Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or other Mixed Martial Arts

Come as you are and just start is the primary message in BJJ. You don’t need to be in shape to train in BJJ. You should just show up just as you are. First, BJJ is effective for various body types, whether you are a small and thin person or a tall and bulky person. Second, you get fit through BJJ, not the other way around!


If you want to read more about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for self-defense, ensure you follow the link to an article of mine.

 In BJJ, different body types have various advantages; therefore, starting at a varied weight and body composition may help you learn more about Martial Arts. You don’t need to be in shape to begin; you might start with the intention of getting in shape through BJJ.

The widespread notion that BJJ requires you to be an exceptional athlete before you start to train is false. Jiu-Jitsu practitioners come in many shapes and sizes, and while I can’t touch my toes, not everyone who practices jiu-jitsu is naturally athletic. 

You will have numerous benefits if you are quick, slim, and flexible, but there are also many drawbacks. Similar to being large and unwieldy, there are benefits and disadvantages. All of that, most certainly, isn’t an excuse not to give Jiu-Jitsu a try!

Can you get ripped with BJJ?

If you’ve spent a lot of time watching professional Jiu-Jitsu fighters, you might have noticed how ripped many of them are. After all, some of the most physically demanding sports in the world are grappling ones, like BJJ and wrestling. But what if you do BJJ for exercise or as a hobby? Will BJJ get you ripped?

BJJ alone is unlikely to make you as ripped as Andre Galvao or Gordon Ryan without a sound diet and exercise routine. Although, BJJ is an excellent workout that can help you get slim and muscular.


Being ripped implies that you have a good amount of muscle and are also slim enough to allow your muscles to be defined. You must have a lot of muscle and a low body fat percentage to look ripped.

To be as fit as top-tier grapplers requires a lot of discipline and commitment, unless you are just extraordinarily genetically fortunate. Most, if not all, of these athletes follow rigorous nutrition programs and participate in strength and conditioning exercises in addition to frequent BJJ training sessions. Many of these athletes also possess splendid genetics and a strong work ethic.

Without a doubt, BJJ is a great workout that will undoubtedly aid with calorie burning. But if you want to get “ripped” with BJJ, you’ll probably also need to stick to a healthy diet and strength-training regimen. Additionally, it will likely be difficult and take some time.

Before continuing, I encourage you to read more about losing weight while training in BJJ. It’ll help you in your fitness journey.

How does BJJ change your body?

Your body and mental health will both benefit from maintaining an active lifestyle. Regular exercise helps us lose weight and lowers blood pressure. Our muscles also put in a lot of effort, which promotes muscle growth. By learning a martial art like Jiu-Jitsu, you can improve your health and get in the shape you want. Long rounds of sparring allow you to tone your muscles, lower your body fat, and enhance your cardiovascular health.

BJJ changes your body by making you lean and enhancing muscle mass, especially in your arms, shoulders, back, neck, and thighs. Don’t be surprised if you begin to notice your abs. You may have bruises and scrapes at first, but your skin will toughen and adapt.


Your body can benefit significantly from BJJ. Sudden weight loss is one of the first physical alterations that brand-new Jiu Jitsu practitioners observe. BJJ is a challenging workout; therefore, you may quickly burn up to 700 calories in an hour, which means you could lose 1000 calories in a typical 1.5-hour training session.

Jiu-Jitsu training several times a week can cause you to burn many calories, which will cause you to lose weight quickly. After only a few months of training in BJJ, many beginning athletes realize they are substantially thinner.

Jiu Jitsu is not as effective as weightlifting in muscular growth, but it is still beneficial. Jiu Jitsu competitors are famed for their massive arms, iron-like cores, and barn-like backs. 

Combine your regular BJJ practice with a couple of weekly weightlifting workouts. The fat on your body will melt off if you combine three or more BJJ training sessions per week with a slight calorie restriction. 

With noticeable abs, you’ll also have a smaller waist, a more defined jawline, and an overall healthier appearance. If you want to lose weight and get thin, BJJ is undoubtedly one of the best sports!

Final words

Jiu-Jitsu will help you get in shape. It will help you improve your cardiovascular system, allowing your physical life to be better also. A single Jiu-Jitsu class can burn up to 1100 calories. Jiu-Jitsu burns a lot of fat since it incorporates aerobic and anaerobic motions.

Throughout your Jiu-Jitsu journey, you will see a development in muscular endurance. BJJ can significantly improve your physical shape while also helping you build muscle grip and core strength, general mobility, flexibility, timing, balance, and perception!

If you enjoyed reading this article, you’d also enjoy reading about the best ways to save money by training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at home.


I've served in the military as a special forces operator for 4-years. In that period, I've trained in many martial arts, including karate, MMA, BJJ, boxing, and even Krav Maga. I want to share my passion with you, so here it is!

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